most things which taste or feel good are good

exercise is stressful in a bad way, therefore its bad
it makes you stronger, which in this context is bad

all it does is age you, damage you and stress you physically and mentally

following your senses and instincts is good in most cases

i recommend people to consider this, based on my opinions, which i hopefully form critically and openly

do not be deceived by modern philosophy and obscurantism

hedonism, the ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life. and out of that results utilitarianism, the doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority.

god gave us profound knowledge on how to live and act
basically, gods word is inside us

misconceptions about hedonism:
many think, that we naturally want to commit violent acts, but thats bad and stressful
we only want to do bad things, if we are unhealthy, mentally ill or if we are in a bad situation

questions to ask for questioning things:
does it feel good for you?
does it conserve energy?
does it give energy?
does it help with reproduction?

a healthy diet is a tasty one, it should be high sugar and high fat
do not restrict and do not be obsessive

fresh milk
fruit juice
any sweet, tasty stuff

meat is an option but not optimal, only if cooked

living place:
somewhere where good is less suppressed
on the countryside or in a small city

unhealthy things which are prevalent today:
not listening to your body
being anti-white
doing exercise, especially running
consuming vegetables
city life
child-free life
school, university
not sleeping at least 9 hours
trusting modern science, in most fields
trusting media, internet (dont even trust me, question me on matrix)
sun exposure, sungazing

i dont fully agree with these websites

criticisms and suggestions are welcome

contact me on matrix